5 Matchless, low-light indoor plants, you should consider

Many plant lovers want to grow indoor plants facing the low light issue and luckily we find some indoor plants can survive and grow well in a very little light environment. These plants can grow in low light and have many medicinal values and health benefits. There are some precautions which I also mention below for each plant separately.

1: Chinese Evergreen Indoor Plant

Chinese Evergreen Indoor Plant

This low-light indoor plant belongs to the tropical and subtropical regions of Asia and New Guinea. This indoor plant can survive ten years or more if cared for properly and grown in a proper environment. They are commonly known as Chinese evergreens A.K.A Aglaonema. This Chinese evergreen indoor plant does not like cold weather and extra or excessive sunlight. If you have sensitive skin, please wear gloves before touching this plant because its juice can create irritation on your skin, according to botanists, there are 22 different varieties found in tropical and subtropical areas.

Chinese evergreen plants are also considered lucky plant in Chinese culture.
Like many other potted plants, this Chinese evergreen indoor plant is also very susceptible to root rot and other insecticide diseases. It has leathery leaves and you can see its small white flowers if it grows in the natural environment, but indoor Chinese evergreen does not offer white flowers. This Chinese evergreen plant is about one to three feet tall in its lifespan, and its growing progress is faster in summer and slower in winter. If you think your room humidity level is low, you can place a bowl of water under or near the Chinese Evergreen plant to improve its humidity level. About water and fertilizer. You should provide it with water one time every ten days in summer and one time each after 3 weeks in winter, and liquid fertilizer is good for it once a month.

Chinese evergreen plant is toxic to humans and pets and if handled carelessly can dangerous for the skin and eyes, some varieties are also carried fruit like berries (which Chinese evergreen plants produce in summer or in spring seasons) which may be harmful to eat or touch roughly, however, it has great value due to its ornamental value.

It is also very helpful in producing new oxygen when we use this plant indoors, it is also helpful to reduce formaldehyde and benzene toxins from the air.

2: Spider Plant

spider plant as indoor plant , low light indoor plant
spider plant-

Spider plant, A.K.A Chlorophytum comosum is another low-light indoor plant and, belongs to Asparagaceae family is originates from West and South Africa, and was introduced in Europe between the 17th and 18th centuries. It can easily survive in the natural environment for twenty years and as an Indoor plant, it can survive for 10 to 15 years with better and proper care. It is very easy to care for and one of the first choices for an indoor plant lover to grow at home. Spider plants can grow from 15 to 20 inches in the natural environment and indoors they can grow 15 inches tall, this plant is very difficult to kill and very easy to grow.

This plant can easily grow in a temperature that’s comfortable for everyone, it does not need much sunlight this is the reason it is one of the first choices when it comes to choosing a low-light indoor plant, and grows this plant in soil that easily drains water. Provide water to it once a week and in winter when the soil becomes dry.

Spider plant is tough to pest but some of the well-known bugs are aphids, mealybugs, Neem oil spray They can get rid of these bugs or you can use some pesticide medicine on them and. The Spider plant is also toxic to cats and if cats chew it can lead to stomach problems for cats. A hanging container or plant stand will provide the best home for a spider plant. Avoid using regular soil from the garden, because it can be too heavy and may contain pests that could harm spider plants.

Surprisingly there are several health benefits in it along with the feature of survival in low light as an indoor plant, it can help to eliminate Corbondyoxide and carbon mono oxide from the air and produce new oxygen in space. Many types of research prove that its presence in the room helps improve the surgical patient faster and helps reduce anxiety and bad mood.

3: English Ivy Indoor Plant

English Ivy A.K.A Hedera Helix is also one of the best choices when it comes to low-light indoor plants. Origin: The English ivy is a native of Europe, North Africa, and western Asia. Length: The English ivy can grow to a length of 30 feet. Lifespan: English ivy has a lifespan of 10 to 20 years. Pest and Insect: The English ivy is susceptible to aphids, mealybugs, spider mites, and whiteflies.

Ivy is an invasive species in the United States and Australia, but it is native to Asia and Europe. It can be found growing up trees, in walls, and in hedges in the wild. Ivy can grow to a length of 20m (65ft) if left unchecked. Indoors, as a houseplant, it usually grows to only 2-3m (6-10ft).

Although pets do not like to eat or chew its leaves or flower, however, if it happens, if ingested by pets, can result in vomiting, abdominal pain, hypersalivation, and diarrhea.

There are some potential health benefits in English Ivy as an indoor plant, It is a natural air purifier, It improves the respiratory system and it also contains anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties in it. Plant lovers can consider this indoor plant when they plan to grow a specific low-light indoor plant.

4: Golden Pothos Indoor Plant

golden pothos indoor plant originate from Solomon Island and french poleynesia, It can easily grow and survive in low light environment
Golden Pothos indoor plant

Golden pothos A.K.A Epipremnum aureum is originating from Solomon Island and French Polynesia. It is also one of the best choices as a low-light indoor plant. Its lifespan in the natural environment is 5 to 10 years, but indoors it can serve 5 years with better care. Golden Pothos, (Epipremnum aureum) is the perfect houseplant for providing fresh air. It’s native to French Polynesia and grows best in indirect light. It’s called “devil’s ivy” because it can’t be killed. Even when kept in the dark, it stays green. The plant can grow in dry soil or water, but sadly it can cause skin rashes and isn’t safe around children, cats, or dogs.

5: Aloe Vera Plant

Another best indoor plant for a low-light environment is the Aloe Vera plant. The Aloe Vera plant is unique and many people enjoy growing it indoors because it has a lot of benefits. This desert-origin plant is part of the Asphodelaceae family, which makes it easy to take care of. It can grow up to 2.5 feet tall and produce beautiful flowers. You’ll find that this plant offers many medicinal benefits and looks great anywhere you put it. Planting Aloe Vera plants is a bit different from other indoor plants. Aloe Vera plants are succulents, so be sure to give them a well-drained potting mix. Examples might be cacti and succulent mixes made of perlite, lava rock, or chunks of bark, and use rooting enhancer powder to encourage your plant to grow.

roots quickly and strongly. You can water this plant each after two weeks in summer and once every month in winter. Due to its stylish look, you can place an aloe vera plant pot anywhere in the room, It will increase the value of your room interior.

It helps to reduce lower blood sugar level, It is very useful for the skin and removes and reduce wrinkle. It helps to eliminate the constipation problem. Aloe Vera plant is used for eczema and psoriasis. And it speeds up the wound-healing process. This indoor plant can easily survive in a low-light environment and with little water consumption.

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