How to Choose the Right Fig Variety for Your Climate

How to choose fig variety for you

In order to grow figs successfully, it is essential to choose the correct variety for your region’s environment. Fig trees are well-liked by both home gardeners and orchard lovers due to their amazing sweet fruits. Yet, picking a variety that does well in your particular climate is the key to a plentiful fig harvest. We’ll walk you through the process of choosing the ideal fig variety based on the climate in your area in this article.

How to choose fig variety for you
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Knowledge of Your Climate Zone

Knowing your climate zone is essential before discovering the world of fig differences. Based on their typical minimum temperatures, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has divided regions into hardiness zones. Zones 1 through 13 make up this range, with zone 1 being the coldest and zone 13 being the warmest. Knowing your zone can help you gain important knowledge about the types of figs that can grow in your region.

Factors to Consider

Choosing the right fig variety goes beyond just your hardiness zone. Other factors play a role in determining which type of fig will thrive in your climate:

1. Chill Hours: Fig trees require a certain number of chill hours, which are hours spent at temperatures below 45°F (7°C). Varieties suited to colder climates typically need more chill hours to initiate fruit production.

2. Heat Tolerance: On the flip side, heat tolerance is crucial for fig varieties that grow in warmer climates. Some varieties can withstand high temperatures without experiencing stress or fruit drop.

3. Rainfall: Consider the average rainfall in your region. Figs generally prefer well-draining soil, and too much moisture can lead to root rot.

4. Humidity: High humidity can contribute to fungal diseases in fig trees. If you live in a humid area, opt for varieties known for their disease resistance.

Choosing the Correct Variety

Now that you are aware of the essential features, let’s talk how to choose the ideal fig variety for your climate:

How to choose right fig variety for you
How to choose the right fig variety

Investigating Cold Climates

Choose fig types that can withstand colder climes (zones 1-6) when living in those areas. ‘Chicago Hardy’ and ‘Brown Turkey’ varieties are renowned for their resistance to cold weather. These figs are appropriate for regions with lengthy winters because they have a greater chill hour need.

Adaptation to Moderate Climates

You’re in luck if you live in climate zones 7 or 8. There are many various fig kinds available in these regions. ‘Celeste’ is a good option because of its sweet flavour and versatility. Another wonderful alternatives with a lengthy history is “Black Mission.

Adapting to Warm Climates

Look for fig cultivars that do exceptionally well in heat tolerance for the drier zones (9–11). Popular selection “Desert King” is renowned for producing delicious fruits even in sweltering heat. ‘Adriatic’ figs can grow with the right care in warm climates as well.

Dealing with Humidity

Disease resistance becomes crucial in humid areas, like some of Florida. ‘Lattarula’ and ‘LSU Gold’ varieties, for example, are known for their capacity to fend off fungal infections, making them perfect for humid environments.

corky's honey delight fig, how to choose the right fig variety for you
corky’s honey delight fig

Embracing Container Gardening

Don’t give up if your climate isn’t favourable for figs. Numerous fig kinds are suitable for growing in containers. This expands the opportunities regardless of your climate zone by enabling you to transfer the plant indoors during inclement weather or periods of high heat.


The right fig variety depends on a careful analysis of a number of factors, including temperature extremes and humidity levels. You may create the conditions for a healthy fig tree that provides you with an abundance of delicious fruit by being aware of your local environmental conditions and the particular needs of various fig kinds. There is a fig variety out there that is particularly adapted to the requirements of your climate, whether you are dealing with cold winters or burning summers.