How to Keep a Fig Tree Small: A Simple Guide


Fig trees are pleasing not only because of their mouthwatering fruits but also because of their beauty and shade. However, you can manage the size of your fig tree through pruning and other methods if space is restricted or if you simply prefer a more compact tree. We’ll study how to maintain a little fig tree in this post, using basic terms and simple instructions.

Select the Appropriate Variety

Start by picking a kind of fig tree that naturally stays more compact if you want a little fig tree. Some fig tree cultivars have a more controlled growth behaviour or are naturally small. Important choices to take into account include “Petite Negra” and “Little Miss Figgy” varieties.

Pruning frequently

A key method for preserving your fig tree’s size is pruning. This is how you do it:

· Winter Pruning: Remove any dead or unhealthy branches during the dormant winter months (often late winter or early spring). The general health of the tree is enhanced as a result.

• Summer pruning: During the summer, when the tree is actively growing, you can cut particular branches that are growing too quickly or veering off course to become too large. To achieve the size and shape you want, trim back branches.

Maintain a Container Garden

You have greater influence over the size of your fig tree if you are cultivating it in a container. When repotting, be watchful about root pruning and use a container that restricts root growth.

Pruning the roots

Root pruning includes cutting the tree’s roots to restrict its growth. Consider root pruning to keep the roots under control if you’re moving or repotting your fig tree. This may unintentionally aid in regulating the tree’s size.

Restrictive Fertilisation

Avoid fertilising excessively since it can promote rapid development. Consider utilising a slow-release fertiliser to deliver constant nutrients throughout time in addition to applying a balanced fertiliser sparingly.

Training for espadrilles (optional)

Espalier training is the process of teaching your fig tree’s branches to develop in a flat, two-dimensional shape while being supported by a trellis or wall. In addition to limiting the size, this results in a lovely and room-saving layout.

Regular Harvesting

By picking figs as they ripen, you may manage the amount of resources and energy the tree devotes to producing fruit. It may prevent uncontrolled growth.

Constant Watchfulness

Keep a close eye on the growth of your fig tree and tweak your pruning and maintenance methods as necessary. This enables you to keep your ideal size over time.


With proper variety selection, regular pruning, and careful maintenance, fig trees can be kept modest. These methods will enable you to take advantage of the beauty and fullness of your fig tree while maintaining it within your preferred size range, whether you have a small yard or simply prefer a smaller tree.