Identifying and Treating Fiddle Leaf Fig Tree Root Rot

Ficus lyrata, or fiddle leaf figs, are highly regarded for their attractive leaves and the ability to add a sense of tropical beauty to any the interior environment. Fiddle leaf figs, like other kinds of plants, are prone to a few ailments, the most common and potentially lethal of which being root rot. We’ll study the subject of fiddle leaf fig root rot in this thorough study, from comprehending the origins and symptoms to practical prevention and treatment.

Root Rot: What Is It?

Fiddle leaf figs are prone to the fungal disease called “root rot,” which attacks plant roots. The two most common fungal species that cause it are Phytophthora and Rhizoctonia. These fungus can attack the roots of a plant, preventing it from absorbing water and nutrients, which ultimately causes the plant to deteriorate or die. They flourish in soil that is too wet.

fiddle leaf fig root rot

Causes for Fiddle Leaf Fig Root Rot

Overwatering: Overwatering is one of the primary causes of fiddle leaf fig roots rotting. When root rot fungus thrive in constantly wet soil, these plants demand a soil mixture that drains effectively.

Poor Drainage: When you plant your fiddle leaf fig in a container without enough drainage, you run the danger of having root rot since the excess moisture will be retained around the roots. Using contaminated soil, pots, or equipment from previously infected plants may lead your fiddle leaf fig to contract the root rot fungus.

Signs of root rot include:

For root rot to be effectively treated, early detection is essential. Keep an eye out for these signs:

Yellowing Leaves: The first indication is frequently a leaf that is yellowing and may even seem wilted and drooping.

Leaf Drop: As the illness worsens, the plant’s leaves may fall off, leaving it with minimal foliage.

Fiddle leaf figs that are infected may show stunted growth or even a lack of new development. Dark, Slimy Roots: If you examine the roots, you can find parts that are dark, slimy, and mushy, which are common signs of root rot.

Keeping Root Rot at Bay:

To prevent your fiddle leaf fig from root rot, take the following precautions:

Use a well-draining potting mix made especially for indoor plants, and make sure your container has drainage holes.

Watering Carefully: Avoid letting your plant sit in a saucer of water and allow the top inch or two of soil to dry out between waterings

Proper Pot Size: To prevent waterlogging and root congestion, use a pot that is the right size.

Isolation: Before adding new plants to your collection, isolate them for a few weeks to watch them for symptoms of illness.

Treatment for root rot

Follow the following steps if you suspect there is root rot:

Take the Plant Out: Carefully take the fiddle leaf fig out of its container so you can look at the roots. With sterile shears, remove the diseased, mushy roots.

Repot in Fresh Soil: Repot the plant in a clean container with new, well-draining soil. Make certain the pot has adequate drainage.

Reduce Watering: To prevent fungus growth, let the soil dry up a little bit more than usual.

Think about applying a fungicide formulated specifically for root rot to treat the plant and soil.

Keeping in mind that treating root rot that has advanced can be hard; prevention is always the best course of action. You may appreciate the beauty of your healthy fiddle leaf fig for many years if you take good care of it.