Money tree root rot? Saving Your Money Tree: Banishing Root Rot and Cultivating Abundant Growth

Money tree root rot, how to grow and care of money plant, indoor plant diseases,common problem of money tree and its effective solution


The money tree, or Pachira aquatica as it is known scientifically, is a popular houseplant valued for its characteristic braided stem and lush leaves. Its name comes from the idea that it will bring its owners luck and wealth. The Money Tree is prone to a number of problems, including root rot, like any other plant. We will look at the causes, signs, and remedies of money tree root rot in this post, giving you the knowledge you need to protect your favourite plant from this harmful ailment.

How does root rot in money trees occur?


Overwatering is one of the main causes of root rot in money trees. These plants should not be kept in overly wet environments because they prefer moderate watering. It fosters a favourable habitat for the fungi that cause root rot when the soil is overly damp for protracted periods of time. The roots become oxygen-deprived and wet, which causes deterioration and the start of root rot.

Lack of Drainage

Overwatering and inadequate drainage are closely related, and both can promote the growth of root rot. A Money Tree’s risk of developing root rot increases if it is placed in a container without drainage holes or if the soil used has poor drainage qualities. Without adequate drainage, excess moisture cannot be removed, the roots suffocate, and fungus can infect the plant.

Fungal Infections

Numerous fungi, including Pythium, Phytophthora, and Rhizoctonia, frequently cause root rot in money trees. These pathogens like damp environments and target the roots of the plant, causing rot. Fungal spores can get into the soil by polluted water, contaminated equipment, or even nearby sick plants.

Symptoms of Money Tree Root Rot

Wilting and yellowing of the leaves on a money tree is one of the early symptoms of root rot. The foliage begins to wilt and lose its bright green colour as the roots degenerate and are unable to provide enough water and nutrients. As the illness progresses, they could turn yellow or even brown.

Stunted Growth

Money tree Stunted growth is a common symptom of root rot in trees. The plant’s growth often slows down, and new leaves and branches might not form. This is because the plant’s damaged root system is unable to support its development and supply it with the nutrients it requires.

obnoxious Odour

Another indication of root rot in money trees is an overtly unpleasant smell coming from the soil. A distinctive odour, frequently described as rotting or mouldy, is produced by the decomposing roots. If the potting mix for your money tree has an awful smell to it, root rot is probably the cause.

Discoloured roots

You might see discolouration when looking at the roots of a money tree that has root rot. Rotted roots appear mushy, dark brown, or black; healthy roots should be firm and white. Additionally, the damaged roots may display symptoms of breaking or easily peel off when handled.

Money tree root rot, how to grow and care of money plant, indoor plant diseases,common problem of money tree and its effective solution

Treating Money Tree Root Rot

Adjusting Watering Practises and Treating Money Tree Root Rot

It’s critical to deal with the core cause, which is frequently overwatering, in order to treat root rot in money trees. For better drainage and to avoid overwatering, let the soil partially dry out in between waterings. Make sure the pot has drainage holes, and choose soil that drains properly and is designed specifically for indoor plants.

cutting off impacted roots

Remove the Money Tree from its pot with care, then look for rot in the roots. Use clean, sterile pruning shears to remove any roots that are mushy, squishy, or discoloured. To remove the damaged areas, make exact cuts while taking care not to harm the sound roots.

Replanting with New Soil

Repot the Money Tree in a clean pot with new, well-draining soil after trimming the harmed roots. To give room for root expansion, use a pot that is a little bit bigger than the one you previously used. Place the plant carefully in the new pot, fill it with soil, and lightly compact it. While watering the plant, be careful not to overwater.

Environmental Conditions Changing

Give your Money Tree the best possible environment conditions to aid in its recuperation. Put the plant in a spot that receives plenty of indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight because it will stress the plant more. To prevent excessive moisture, maintain normal humidity levels and make sure there is appropriate airflow around the plant.

Measures for Monitoring and Prevention

After treatment, keep a close eye out for any indications of reoccurring root rot on your money tree. Make the necessary adjustments to your watering schedule and take care not to overwater. Avoid standing water, use soil that drains properly, and regularly check the plant for any signs of distress to take preventative actions.

Frequently Asked Question faq

What causes money tree root rot?

A: Poor drainage and overwatering are the main causes of root rot in money trees. Root rot-causing fungus can flourish and harm the roots in an environment that is too damp and has poor drainage.

How do I keep the roots of my money tree from rotting?

A: Make sure to follow correct watering procedures by letting the soil partially dry out in between waterings to prevent root rot. Use pots with drainage holes and soil that drains effectively. Avoid using pots without drainage, overwatering, and standing water.

What signs of money tree root rot are there?

A: The symptoms of root rot in Money Trees include wilting and yellowing leaves, stunted growth, a foul odor coming from the soil, and root discoloration (mushy, dark brown, or black roots).

How should I handle money tree root rot?

A: The best environmental conditions for treating money tree root rot include moderate humidity and indirect light. Other treatments include pruning problematic roots, repotting the plant in fresh soil with good drainage, and changing watering practises to prevent overwatering.

A money tree with serious root rot: Can I preserve it?

A: Although it can be difficult, trying to save a money tree with serious root rot is worthwhile. Trim the harmed roots, repot in new soil, and take the necessary precautions. It could be challenging to save the Money Tree if the rot is severe and the plant’s condition worsens.

A: After curing money tree root disease, can I repurpose the soil?

A: Reusing the soil from a pot that has root rot is not advised. There might be a possibility of a second infection as fungal spores may persist in the soil. The best course of action is to throw away the old soil and replenish it with a new supply of well-draining soil.

How long does it take a money tree with root rot to recover?

A money tree’s recovery period from root rot will depend on how severe the condition is and how well the therapy works. The plant may not recover and display symptoms of new growth for several weeks or months.

Can I grow more Money Trees to prevent root rot?

A: Yes, saving a money tree from root rot may be possible through propagation. Rooting healthy stem cuttings in water or soil with good drainage. This enables you to start over while attempting to resuscitate the original plant with new ones.

A: Can other plants contract root rot?

A: If other plants come into contact with polluted soil, water, or tools, root rot may spread to them. To prevent the illness from infecting healthy plants, it is crucial to separate infected plants and take precautions.

How can root rot in money trees be avoided in the future?

A: Use proper watering methods and let the soil partially dry out in between waterings to protect money trees from developing root rot. Use soil that drains effectively and containers with drainage holes. Keep an eye out for symptoms of stress on the plant, and refrain from overwatering it or making it too wet.


Money trees can suffer greatly from root rot, but with quick intervention and the right care, the plant can be brought back to health. You may prevent root rot from having a negative impact on your money tree by being aware of its origins, spotting its signs, and taking the right steps to treat it. Recall to use appropriate watering techniques, make sure there is adequate drainage, and provide a welcoming environment for your money tree to recover. Your Money Tree will restore its life with your care and attention, exhibiting its distinctive lush foliage and once more bringing prosperity to your living area.

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