Spider Plant Curling Leaves: Causes and Solutions

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If you’re the proud owner of a spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum), you probably understand that both experienced and beginner plant lovers favour it for its vivid green leaves and air-purifying properties. Yet it can be alarming to see the spider’s plant’s leaves curling. And fear not—in this comprehensive guide, we’ll look at the numerous reasons behind this strange occurrence while offering you with helpful tips for regaining its wellness and energy to your favourite plant.

Watering excessively or inadequately

Improper water intake is one of the most frequent causes of spider plant leaf curling. Root rot from too much water can cause the leaves to curl and turn yellow. Underwatering, on the other hand, could end up in the plant losing moisture and its leaves curling as a defence strategy. Water your spider plant only when the top inch of the soil appears dry to the touch in order to maintain the ideal soil moisture level.

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Less Humidity

In areas with moderate to high humidity, spider plants flourish. The plant may respond by curling its leaves if the air is too dry. By frequently spraying the leaves or placing a tray of water close to the plant to promote evaporation, you can raise the humidity levels.

Insufficient lighting

The health of your spider plant can also be affected by improper or excessive light. Your plant’s leaves may curl and turn pale if it stays in low light locations. On the other hand, too much exposure to direct sunlight can result in sunburn and curling. Your spider plant will have healthier, more colourful leaves if you place it in an area with bright, indirect light.

Infestation of pets

Pests may be a grave risk to the health of your spider plant. The aphid and spider mites can stress the plant, which causes the leaves to curl. Regularly check your plant for any signs of a pest infestation, and if you find any, act quickly to get rid of it. Neem oil or insecticidal soap are effective ways to keep these troublesome pests away from your plant.

Pot size root bound

Spider plants prefer slightly crowded roots, but if they become severely root-bound, it can lead to leaf curling. As the roots outgrow the pot, they have limited space to absorb nutrients and water. Repot your spider plant every couple of years to ensure it has enough room to grow and flourish.

Nutrient defeciency

A lack of essential nutrients can also manifest in curled leaves. Spider plants require regular fertilization during the growing season. Nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are vital for healthy foliage. Feed your plant with a balanced liquid fertilizer every two to four weeks from spring to fall.

Temprature stress

Temperature Stress Although adaptive, spider plants can become stressed by high temperatures. Your plant’s leaves may curl in response if they are exposed to chilly draughts or sharp temperature changes. To avoid stress, keep your spider plant away from draughty locations and maintain a stable temperature range.

Chemical exposition

Your spider plant could suffer from leaf curling if it is exposed to chemicals from products like household cleaners or aerosol sprays. Do not place your plant near potential chemical exposure to ensure its well-being.

Lack of nutrition

Curled leaves may indicate a shortage of essential nutrients. During the growing season, spider plants need regular fertilisation. For strong foliage, phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium are required. From spring to fall, fertilise your plant every two to four weeks with a balanced liquid fertiliser.

Root injury

Curling leaves may occur from damage to the roots that might happen during repotting or through other ways, limiting the plant’s ability for taking in water and nutrients. When handling and repotting your spider plant, be careful.


Although spider plants are usually flexible, they are nonetheless susceptible to ailments like fungus infections. Curling leaves are a sign of disease on infected plants. To stop the disease from spreading, get rid of any infected leaves right away.

Frequently asked questions -FAQ

Why are the leaves on my spider plant curling?

Several factors, such as as overwatering, underwatering, low humidity, poor lighting, pest infestation, pot size, root binding, nutritional shortage, climate stress, chemical exposure, root harm, and disease, can cause the leaves of spider plants to curl.

How do I keep my spider plant’s leaves from curling?

If you wish to prevent leaf curling, be sure that it gets the appropriate quantity of water, maintain a moderate to high level of humidity, position the plant in a bright, indirect light area, constantly inspect for insects, reinstate the plant as needed, fertilise throughout the growing period, keep a consistent temperature range, prevent chemical exposure, manage the plant gently, and address any signs of disease as soon as they show up.

To enhance humidity, should I mist my spider plant?

Yes, spraying your spider plant’s leaves will improve the plant’s overall health through higher humidity levels. Avoid misting overly, though, as this can result in fungus and other problems.

How frequently do I need to water my spider plant?

When the top inch of soil seems dry to the touch, water your spider plant. Underwatering can result in yellowing and curled foliage, while overwatering might induce root rot.

Are curling leaves on spider plants an indicator of pest

Yes, spider plants’ curled leaves can indicate a pest infestation. Aphids and spider mites can stress the plant, which causes the leaves to curl. Check your plant frequently for any symptoms of pests and take the appropriate action to get rid of them.

When should my spider plant be repotted?

Every two years or as soon as you see the roots becoming badly root-bound, repot your spider plant. Repotting provides the plant a greater opportunity to expand and get to important nutrients.

Which nutrients are crucial for the leaves of my spider plant?

Throughout the growing season, spider plants need frequent fertilisation. To sustain good leaves, they require a balance of nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Can spider plants’ leaves curl in high temperatures?

The plant can be stressed by exposure to severe temperatures, such as cold draughts or sudden changes in temperature, and this can cause leaf curling. A constant temperature range and keeping your spider plant away from draughty regions are important.