Discover the Mystery Behind Fiddle Leaf Fig Yellow Leaves: Causes, Prevention, and Care Tips

Discover the Mystery Behind Fiddle Leaf Fig Yellow Leaves Causes, Prevention, and Care Tips


Fiddle leaf figs (Ficus lyrata) is becoming more popular as indoor plants, with their huge, lush green leaves gracing homes and businesses. The bright foliage of these plants, yet, is occasionally reduced by the appearance of yellow leaves. In this post, we will take a look at multiple causes of yellow fiddle leaf fig leaves, as well as preventive measures as well as essential care ideas to guarantee your cherished plant flourishes.

Understanding Fiddle Leaf Fig Yellow Leaves

What Causes Yellow Leaves in Fiddle Leaf Figs?

Yellow leaves in fiddle leaf figs can be attributed to several factors, including:

1. Overwatering: Excessive watering can cause root rot, reducing the ability of the plant of absorbing nutrients and producing leaf browning.

2. Underwatering: Inadequate watering can cause dehydration, which leading leaves to become yellow and finally brown.

3. Inadequate Lighting: Fiddle leaf figs demand bright, indirect light. Yellowing of leaves can be a result of a lack of light exposure.

4. Nutrient Deficiencies: Yellow leaves can be a result of a deficiency in important nutrients such as nitrogen, potassium, or magnesium.

5. Temperature Stress: Excessive heat or draughts can cause leaf discolouration.

6. Pests and illnesses: The presence or illnesses like as spider mites, mealybugs, or fungal infections can cause yellow leaves.

Discover the Mystery Behind Fiddle Leaf Fig Yellow Leaves Causes, Prevention, and Care Tips

Prevention and Care Tips

1. Watering: Develop a balance by letting the top inch of soil out preceding watering again. To avoid flooding, provide sufficient drainage.

2. Lighting: To ensure enough light, place your fiddle leaf fig near a bright, north-facing window or use artificial lights for growth.

3. Nutrition: Feed your plant a balanced fertilizer developed simply for indoor plants, following the instructions carefully.

4. Temperature and Humidity: Keep your fiddle leaf fig in a temperature range of 60°F to 75°F (15°C to 24°C). Maintain a comfortable humidity level of 40-60%.

Pest Control: Regularly inspect your plant for signs of pests or diseases. Treat infestations promptly using organic or chemical methods, depending on your preference


You may preserve the best health and brilliant appearance of your plant by understanding the reasons of fiddle leaf fig yellow leaves and applying preventative measures. Remember to balance watering, offer proper lighting, feed your plant with important nutrients, maintain appropriate temperature and humidity levels, and keep an eye out for pests and illnesses.

Frequently Asked Question- FAQ

Why are my fiddle leaf fig’s leaves turning yellow?

A fiddle leaf fig’s yellow leaves may be an indication of several kinds of problems, such as overwatering, underwatering, nutritional shortages, or exposure to extremely low or high temperatures. To determine the root reason, it is critical to evaluate the plant’s care routine and environmental factors.

How can I tell whether I am drowning or overwatering my fiddle leaf fig?

A: Excessive watering might result in yellowing foliage, root rot, and saturated soil. By inserting your finger about an inch into the earth, you may determine the amount of moisture in the soil. You can be overwatering if the pot seems overly wet or if water is standing in the pot. On the other side, underwatering might result in yellowing and drying of the leaves. If the soil feels extremely dry and crumbly, it’s a sign that your fiddle leaf fig needs watering.

What precautions can I take to avoid overwatering my fiddle leaf fig?

A: Make sure your fiddle leaf fig is put in a well-draining potting mix to avoid overwatering. To allow additional water to flow out, use a container with holes for drainage. By inserting your finger into the soil, you may determine the soil’s level of moisture before watering. Only water the soil until the top inch feels dry.

How can I keep my fiddle leaf fig from drowning?

A: Make sure your fiddle leaf fig receives regular waterings and that the top inch of soil doesn’t go entirely dry in between. Be aware of environmental conditions, such as higher temperatures or increased air circulation, that could increase the plant’s requirement for water.

Are yellow leaves a guarantee of trouble?

A fiddle leaf fig’s yellow leaves can be a sign of a problem, but it’s crucial to remember that some degree of leaf yellowing and dropping occurs naturally as the plant matures. In order to make place for new development, older leaves naturally turn yellow and finally fall off. The presence of additional signs, such as wilting or browning, or extreme yellowing, however, may point to an issue that has to be fixed.

How can I correct my fiddle leaf fig’s nutrient deficiencies?

A: Iron or nitrogen deficiency, in particular, might result in yellowing leaves. A balanced, water-soluble fertiliser designed especially for indoor plants is something to think about employing. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer for the correct dosage and frequency of application.

Can high heat make leaves yellow?

A fiddle leaf fig can be stressed by exposure to severe temperatures, which can result in yellowing leaves. In the winter, keep your plant away from draughty areas like air conditioning vents or open windows. Keep it away from radiators and other direct heat sources as well.

Should I trim my fiddle leaf fig’s yellow leaves?

A: In order to maintain your fiddle leaf fig’s visual appeal and stop the spread of any potential diseases, it is typically advised that you remove yellow leaves. Make a precise cut close to the leaf stem’s base using clean, sterile pruning shears.

What if my fiddle leaf fig’s yellow leaves persist despite my best efforts?

A local horticulture or plant expert might be able to help if your fiddle leaf fig still has yellow leaves after changing its care routine. Based on the particular circumstances and conditions surrounding your plant, they can offer specific recommendations and assistance.

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