How to Identify and Fix Brown Spots on Your Fiddle Leaf Fig

Brown Spots on Your Fiddle Leaf Fig


I’m here to answer your questions regarding brown spots on your favourite fiddle leaf fig plant. Brown spots can be frustrating, but don’t worry; I’ve put up an in-depth article that will help you recognize all types of brown spots and suggest effective methods to get rid of them. Let’s start now.

Brown Spots on Your Fiddle Leaf Fig

Brown Spots caused by dryness

Dryness is one of the most popular causes of brown spots in fiddle leaf figs. Dehydration, causes your plant to generate light brown or tan parts, that seem bleached or dried out. Additional signs, like bent or curled leaves, are typically associated with these locations. Dehydration can cause the leaves to become fragile to the touch. To deal with this issue, take the following steps:

Water your fiddle leaf fig well, making sure the soil is moist but not wet.

Spray the leaves on a frequent basis to create a suitably humid atmosphere.

Direct sunlight should be avoided because, it might contribute to the dry surface.

Sunburn related brown spots

Sunburn may produce brown patches on your fiddle leaf fig, mostly on the upper, leaves near hot windows. Sunburn patches could appear dark brown or reddish at first, but they might lighten, turn white, or entirely dry up, resulting in leaf fall-off. Follow these procedures to protect your plant from additional damage:

To avoid the spread of harm, gently remove the injured leaves.

Make sure your fiddle leaf fig is not in direct sunlight.

To make it possible for your plant to acclimatize, gradually expose it to full light exposure.

Brown Spots Caused by Insects

Insect infestation can result in tiny brown spots on your fiddle leaf fig. These spots resemble pinpricks and may dry up, eventually creating holes in the leaves. Insect brown spots usually appear in clusters and are accompanied by physical insects crawling on the plant or a spider web-like pattern on the back of the leaves. Take immediate action to eradicate insects using the, following methods:

Apply a leaf armor spray that effectively kills insects and prevents future infestations.

Alternatively, use neem oil as a natural remedy for insect control.

Thoroughly inspect your plant and surrounding areas to prevent the spread of insects.

Edema: Red Pinprick Spots

Edoema, which is distinguished by session pinprick red spots, is not a brown spot but can be confused for one. These areas are normal in the early growth and disperse gradually over time. There is no need to take any action because the spots will vanish as the leaf grows. If you want to understand more about edoema in fiddle leaf figs, see my video on the subject.

Brown Spots Caused by Root Rot

Root rot, which can be bacterial or fungal, is the most common cause of brown spots on fiddle leaf figs. Bacterial root rot occurs as dark brown spots in the center or at the margin of the leaf, like Dalmatian spots. Fungal root rot patches are often deeper brown or black and begin at the base of the leaf and spread outward. To treat root rot, do what follows:

Apply a root supplement right away to stop the spread of root rot within 24 hours.

Avoid overwatering your plant and ensure appropriate drainage.

Take prompt action to prevent future damage or plant loss.

Here’s a table summarizing homemade and pesticide solutions to fix brown spots on your Fiddle Leaf Fig

Homemade and pesticide solutions to fix brown spots on your Fiddle Leaf Fig:

Cause of Brown SpotsHomemade SolutionPesticide Solution
Overwatering– Let the soil  dry out between waterings. <br> – Ensure pot has drainage holes. <br> – Repot if soil remains too, wet.N/A
Under-wateringIncrease watering frequency while ensuring soil doesn’t remain soggy.N/A
Sunburn– Relocate the plant to a spot with indirect sunlight. <br>  – Gradually acclimate it to brighter locations.N/A
Cold DamageKeep the plant away,  from cold drafts, windows, or AC vents.N/A
Root Rot– Trim affected roots. <br> – Repot with fresh, well-draining soil.N/A
Insect Infestation (e.g., spider mites, aphids)– Wipe leaves with a mixture of water and a few drops of mild dish soap. <br> – Shower the plant to remove pests.Apply insecticidal soap or neem oil as directed.
Bacterial Infection– Remove affected leaves. <br> – Improve air circulation around the plant.Apply copper-based fungicides or bactericides.
Edema (from inconsistent watering)Ensure consistent  watering schedule.N/A
Fungal Disease– Remove affected  leaves. <br> – Avoid wetting leaves when watering.Apply a fungicide suitable for indoor plants.


Identifying the exact sort of brown spot on your fiddle leaf fig, is important for taking steps to fix it. Remember to remove leaves with brown patches as soon as possible to encourage growth and restore the plant’s green and vivid appearance. Check out the attached videos for more information about each sort of brown spot. Maintain the health and beauty of your fiddle leaf fig!

Brown Spots on Your Fiddle Leaf Fig

Frequently asked question- FAQ

Why do the leaves on my fiddle leaf fig have brown spots?

A number of things, such as overwatering, underwatering, low humidity, inadequate light, nutrient deficiencies, pests, or diseases, can result, in brown blotches on fiddle leaf fig leaves. To choose the best course of action, the cause must be determined.

How can I tell whether I am drowning or overwatering my fiddle leaf fig?

A: Root rot and brown patches on the foliage are two effects of overwatering. By sticking your finger into the top inch of soil, you may determine the amount of moisture in the soil. You can be overwatering if the pot seems overly wet or if water is standing in the pot. On the other side, underwatering might result in dryness and brown patches. If the soil feels, extremely dry and the leaves appear wilted, it’s a sign that your fiddle leaf fig needs watering.

What can I do to avoid giving my fiddle leaf fig too much or too little water?

A: To avoid overwatering, make sure your fiddle leaf fig is potted in a container with drainage holes and well-draining soil. Before watering once more, let the top inch of soil dry off. To test for dryness, place your finger or a moisture metre into the soil. Establish, a regular watering schedule and continuously check the soil’s moisture level to prevent underwatering.

Do fiddle leaf fig leaves get brown spots due to low humidity?

A: Absolutely fiddle leaf fig leaves may get brown spots , because of low humidity levels. Moderate to high humidity is preferred by fiddle leaf figs. The leaves may lose moisture more rapidly in dry air, which can lead to resulting in brown spots. Increase humidity by misting the leaves regularly, using a humidifier, or placing a tray of water near the plant.

How can a fiddle leaf fig’s health suffer from a lack of light?

A fiddle leaf fig may become weaker and more vulnerable to brown spots and other problems as a result of inadequate light. Fiddle leaf figs prefer direct, strong light. The plant may get brown spots or have limited development if it doesn’t get enough light. Place your fiddle leaf fig away from direct sunlight, which can burn the leaves, in a bright place.

Can fiddle leaf fig leaves develop brown spots as a result of nutrient deficiencies?

A: Yes, nutrient deficits can be a factor in fiddle leaf fig leaves developing brown spots. Leaf discolouration can be caused by a deficiency in important elements like nitrogen, magnesium, or potassium. Be certain that that the fiddle leaf fig you have has been receiving the right kind of fertilization. with a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer formulated for indoor plants. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for dosage and frequency.

How can I avoid infections and diseases that damage fiddle leaf fig leaves with brown spots?

A: Assess your fiddle leaf fig frequently for pests like mealybugs, mites or scale insects. If you see any indications of an infestation, isolate the plant and use neem oil, or a suitable insecticidal soap to treat it. Make sure there is adequate airflow around the plant, and refrain from crowding it, since this might encourage the growth of pests and illnesses.

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